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Welcome to
Judicious Law Academy

Judicious Law Academy is a community of Students & Staff dedicated to bringing out the best in all of its members. Our aim is to provide the finest opportunities & environment for teaching, learning & research. We have a distinguished record of academic excellence and innovation since the foundation of the college in 2006.

The basic principle behind the foundation of Judicious Law Academy was to establish a regularized system of imparting legal education. Staying true to it we have endeavored and achieved this ambition and maintained our standards of excellence for over 17 years now. Ranked amongst the top Law Academy in the Country, we believe in creating a relaxed and flexible environment to allow students to grow and develop at their own pace.

Our Vision & Mission

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Judicious Law Academy, Bhopal is a dynamic, creative learning institution that strives to meet challenges by providing innovative solutions leading to learning breakthroughs for all students. It is dedicated to establish strong, just upright minds and develop the talents of the students thereby to discover their greatness. We are here to empower every individual with knowledge and confidence.

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The aim of Judicious Law Academy is to cater to the needs of the students of all communities in general of minorities and backward classes in particular and to provide them required amenities, assistance and help for their upliftment by giving opportunity in joining the legal profession and make them an able, confident, competent, efficient and well trained advocates.

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1- Student First

2- Teamwork

3- Hard Work

4- Integrity

5- Employee Care

6- Teamwork

7- Passion

What we provide

  • 1- Regular interactive classes

    2- Mock interview sessions

    3- Mains answer writing sessions

    4- Interaction with serving judges

    5- Timely test series

    6- Regular Classes

    7- Proper notes

    8- Doubt clearing sessions

    9- Boosting confidence
